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Create amazing applications with Vizard VR Toolkit

Vizard VR Toolkit provides a powerful platform to help you create a new breed of visual simulations. You’ll build applications that provide users with the best experiences across virtual reality immersive technologies such as displays and sensors.

Rapid Developmentt

Integrated Editor

Vizard Virtual Reality Software Toolkit sports one of the Python community’s richest integrated Developmentt environments. Try it and experience Python programming at its best with our built in intelligent code completion (based on in-depth background static code analysis), visual debugging (with breakpoints, variables watches and value change), embedded and interactive simulation engine. Now in Vizard 5, our handy asset inspector has become even handier with straightforward scene editing capabilities.

Python Scripting

Tap into one of the world’s most accessible and powerful scripting languages, Python. Not only is Python ideally suited for rapid project Developmentt, it’s a portal to an enormous selection of community contributed libraries and toolkits. And rest assured while  you enjoy Python to get your projects done faster, Vizard Virtual Reality Toolkit uses C++ to deliver optimal performance where it counts.


SDK / Extensibility

The Vizard SDK gives C++ developers the ability to extend the functionality of Vizard.  The SDK is used to create DLL plug-ins that can interface with Vizard virtual reality scripts. The plug-ins can be used for many things, including:

  • Access to underlying OpenSceneGraph objects (nodes, textures, etc.)
  • Creating custom OpenSceneGraph nodes and textures
  • Interfacing with hardware devices (trackers, sensors, etc.)

OpenSceneGraph 3.0 is used at Vizard’s core which provide a flexible platform for you to further extend its capabilities.



Based on ODE (Open Dynamics Engine), our open source physics approach provides a high performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics. It features advanced joint types and integrated collision detection with friction. This physics engine is especially useful for simulating vehicles, objects in virtual reality environments, and robotics simulation applications such as mobile robot locomotion and grasping.

Display Flexibility

CAVE, Powerwall, & 3D Projection Systems

Vizard provides sophisticated tools for configured and rendering to single and multi-screen projection systems. Additionally, Vizard’s powerful cluster feature makes building a distributed render system something anyone can do.

The commercially available solution by Scalable Display is integrated into Vizard and allows edge blending, image warping, and color correction across projectors driven by single or multiple PCs.

Stereoscopic Displays

  • Auto stereo screens
  • Active stereo displays & projectors
  • Head-mounted displays

Novice users can readily connect to a multitude of 3D stereoscopic devices. Expert users can tap into the feature-rich stereoscopic libraries in Vizard for precise, low-level control that provides as much flexibility when needed.

Head Mounted Displays

Supporting more than 20 different head-mounted display manufacturers with more than 20 years of experience matching rendering techniques to optical display requirements, Vizard is the most trusted tool for accurate and optimized near-to-eye rendering.


Publish as EXE

Standard with our Developmentt and Enterprise editions is the ability to “publish” your projects to a royalty-free, distributable EXE file. You can use this technique to share your work with others with ease because there are no players or add-ons your receiving party needs to install before simply launching your project.

  • Royalty-free redistribution*.
  • No player required
  • Encrypted asset protection is available to Enterprise license holders

WorldViz recommends Software Passport. This is a protection technology that allows a developer to add sophisticated license enforcement and software protection to your own project, including encryption and node locking. Software Passport has been tested and works with Vizard published EXEs.

    [ Vizard Features ]
  • Development to integrated tools for 3D & VR
  • The standard display devicefor VR, afunctionthat matches theinput device
  • To create a VR space and featured to enteredit CG model, the 3D-CAD data
  • The Python script, the function programeasily implemented
  • c++ API use, and extensible features.
  • By the GUI intuitive operation, the finaltuning iseasy
  • According to CDE Open Dynamics Engine, provides the physical reproduction of a phenomenon simulationf unction
  • Possiblerigid body simulation, link mechanism, collision, friction, and reproduction of the buoyancy
  • Possible (moving, gripping, transport) repeat ability of robot operation in VR space

System Requirements

Operating Systems

  • Window 8 / 8.1
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP Service Pack 3 and above

Computer Hardware

While nearly any recently purchased desktop and most laptops more than meet the requirements, here are the absolute minimums needed to run Vizard:

  • Pentium processor at 1 GHz or higher (Recommended: Dual Core 2 GHz or higher)
  • OpenGL compatible graphics card (Recommended: nVidia GeForce 6 series with 128 MB or greater)
  • 1 GB RAM (Recommended: 2 GB RAM or greater)
  • 500 MB free hard disk space

Supported File Formats

3D model formats

3ds, ac, bsp, dae, dw, dxf, fbx, gem, geo, iv, wrl, ive, logo, lwo, lw, geo, lws, md2, obj, ogr, flt, osg, shp, stl, sta, wrl, x.

2D formats

bmp, dds, gif, hdr, jps, jpc, jpeg, jpg, attr, pic, png, pnm, ppm, pgm, pbm, rgb, sgi, rgba, int, inta, bw, tga, tiff, tif.

Video formats

mov, mpg, mpv, mp4, m4v, dc, avi, flv, swf, gb, rgba, jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, gif, png, pict, pct, tga, psd, mpg, mpv, db, flv, mov, avi, wmv, xine.

Audio formats

And any other format that contains DirectShow (Microsoft native) codecs

Vizard of Worldviz,. was a consignment product our subsidiary Studio WA ORIENT K.K.
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Person in charge: Iguchi
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